For the first time, the WHO allows us to listen to its’ voice in a clear, direct and responsible way. For to listen without the use of puns to belatedly justify, for example, its unclear delays in communicating during the pandemic situation. It is not a former actor like previously, but a physician and a scholar with a long and serious scientific and managerial experience. Ranieri Guerra, not surprisingly, after having served to various important roles, has been appointed Assistant Director General of the WHO, especially for his strategic initiatives. We should think of it, endlessly: “let’s squeeze the brake right now or we’ll crash”. It is a necessary perspective for which science, common sense, logical rigor, and ultimately economy, all meet. This “sentence” by Director Guerra should be placed at the entrance of Montecitorio, Palazzo Chigi and Madama, and with a large font, suitable for those who do not want to see, or maybe cannot because of possible secret international reasons. LET’S SQUEEZE THE BRAKE RIGHT NOW OR WE’LL CRASH!