A mask for Bondage Art

Bondage art, performance by Vitaldo Conte, girl tied to a chair, red background

Bondage art


Those who love, in an all-encompassing way, elevate their life and voluptuousness to an art, which has the vocation to become a SubMission to Love. Its alchemical strings can wrap a body with the red thread of ritual ties.

He had read in an article on Bondage Art that this action “wants to bind the spirit through the play-rite of the strings, starting from the inner darkness in order to listen to the impulses of the body”. Among his rituals there is the wearing of a mask. This intimate body-soul conversation can create invisible bonds. The same happens through the offer of a red rose, which becomes a symbolic mask of strings.


V’s voluptuousness was amplified by seeing Alexia bound: she was naked in her haughty slavery. He liked to write several times, between the ropes, the word desire on her body, which then he signed with a red marker. The skin welcomed his writing which crept through the folds of her body. Writing on her body became another way to make love. Alexia, at the end of the meetings of desire, was all wrapped up in red ropes and writings. In this way, V felt her closer and closer. But he also became more and more attached to her, by her and with her.

“I would like to be your damn red rose and to be looked by you as a work of art,” exclaimed Alexia, on a full moon evening.

One night, he tied her body to take her breath, which she offered him with absolute dedication. Alexia wrote a note, after a few days, inspiring the poetic writings of V: “Your neck wants to be tied to your breath / mine to every knot I hold / in the subtle intent of choking you with love.”

The game of the love ropes continued over time. To tie her became for him a ritual of knowledge: not only erotic but also intimate. This practice enveloped him more and more to her, until he became addicted to his own act of tying her.

When V saw her again, he immediately thought of the moment when in their room of pleasure, she would be naked, about to be wrapped in red ropes, which were clutching her body. She stared at him, seemingly docile, as she made him enter deeper and deeper into her own darkness.

V was pleased when her elongated nails, glazed with dark red, stuck on his back. During their ampless, her nails were blades, which wanted to create bonds of lust, just when Alexia proposed herself as a slave of love.

One evening, after tying her, V covered her body with perfumed petals of a red rose. He contemplated her for a long time, because she was a living painting for his gaze. He began to photograph her from multiple angles, keeping her eyes fixed towards him, who danced with the camera, following the textures of the ropes. They were red also because of the pleasure of being the protagonist of their voluptuous game. This became a ritual theater.